Helmet Heat Gutter Heating Systems in Upstate NY

Using Helmet Heat® systems to prevent dangerous ice dams and protect your home

What is Helmet Heat? It’s a self-regulating gutter heating element that can be installed on both new and existing gutters with a Gutter Helmet® gutter cover system, Helmet Heat helps protect against frost erosion and other ice and snow damage.

helmet heat logo

A comparison of gutters on a home before and after helmet heat has been installed, showing the savings and efficiency of Helmet Heat with significantly less ice build up along the gutters

The Benefits of Helmet Heat®

Helmet Heat features an exposed conductive core that increases it heat output as the temperature drops and decreases output when the temperature rises, helping ensure optimal energy efficiency and safety. And it does all this without being an eyesore—the cable is hidden underneath the Gutter Helmet, and no monitoring is necessary. Some of the ways Helmet Heat can help out with:

  • Saving you money with its energy-efficient operation. (Unlike store-bought gutter heating tape, Helmet Heat is self-regulating. This means that as the temperatures drop, it responds by heating up, and as the mercury rises, the cable cools down.)
  • Reduce icicle and ice dam damage (which can be inconvenient and costly)
  • Protect your home from structural damage

Request a Gutter Estimate

We’d love to stop by and provide you with a completely free estimate.

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