How Does Insulation Work?

If you’ve ever talked to an insulation professional, you may be somewhat familiar with insulation and what it does. Perhaps you know it’s just “the pink stuff in attics.” Whatever the extent of your knowledge, it’s okay—that’s what professional insulation companies are for.

Many homeowners wonder what insulation is and how it works, and these are the questions this blog post is going to answer. Keep reading to learn more!

What Is Insulation & How Does it Work?

Insulation is a material that is installed in different areas in homes and buildings (in the walls, ceilings, crawl spaces, etc.) to stop the flow of heat and provide soundproofing. There are a number of different insulation materials, including:

All types of insulation stop the transfer of heat, but how they specifically do so depends on the material. Fiberglass and cellulose trap the heat. Foam insulation can stop convective heat loss (heat transfer in the form of air transportation)—spray foam fits snugly in the tiny cracks and gaps behind your walls and helps stop air infiltration. All three types of insulation stop heat transfer into an adjacent, colder area (outside in the winter, and inside your house in the summer).

Radiant barrier insulation works a little differently. It reflects heat from the sun, which can help keep your home significantly cooler and more comfortable in the summer.

Insulation Installation in Upstate New York (NY)

No matter which type of insulation you need to install, you can rest assured your home will be more energy-efficient.

An insulation company will be able to help and tell specifics about your home and unique situation so you can save the most money. But in general, the type of insulation you’ll install, how much you’ll install and where you’ll install it depends on:

  • Where you live
  • The age of your home
  • The type of HVAC system you have
  • And more

If you live in the Rochester, Syracuse or surrounding areas in New York, MIG Building Systems can help. Contact us to learn more about our home insulation services!

Have an insulation project?

We install various insulation products into homes and commercial businesses in the Upstate New York areas around Rochester and Syracuse. Get in touch today for a FREE estimate!

Our Insulation Services

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